Thursday, April 1, 2010

Amateur Radio on the ISS

Astronaut Susan Helms KC7NHZ having a QSO
The International Space Station is operational and permanently manned by teams of astronauts and cosmonauts, most of whom have amateur licenses. Amateurs from the ISS partner countries, in the USA, Russia, Japan, Europe and Canada, have set up the ARISS program, a program who's mission is to foster amateur radio communications between the astronauts and cosmonauts who reside on the station. These include scheduling and assisting with school contacts, promoting field day and arranging other special events. Additionally the ARISS team works to help astronauts and cosmonauts who do not have amateur licenses become licensed before launch.
The first amateur radio equipment was carried to the ISS on Space Shuttle Atlantis in September 2000 and installed by the Expedition 1 crew. The first amateur contacts were made by Commander William Shepherd in mid November 2000, and the first school contact took place in December 2000.


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