Thursday, April 1, 2010

Amateur R adio
on the
I nternational S pace S tation

Last revised: 2008-10-20

ARISS Japan's

1. ARISS is
The ARISS, Amateur Radio on the ISS (International Space Station) in the abbreviation means that the Amateur Radio International Space Station.
International Space Station (ISS) is orbiting the Earth at an altitude of about 400km 108m X 88m with large space facilities in the United States since 1998, Russia, Japan, Europe, Canada, is under construction joint. Here are three of the three astronauts have been staying in the rotation already - four months, during this, there are many who have amateur radio license. Amateur radio is one of the elements to maintain the psychological stability of these astronauts, NASA (NASA) has approved the first national space agency activities.
ARISS is, ISS program developed to operate on amateur radio station facilities, ISS United States, the joint development, Russia, Japan, Europe, has been promoted by other amateur radio operators in Canada. Amateur station first phase is already operational on the ISS has been, astronauts can communicate with leisure time.

2. ARISS organization
ARISS is an organization, are as follows.
Board (Board):5 regions (U.S., Russia, day, Europe, Canada), the IARU and AMSAT member organizations composed of representatives of community organizations. From Japan, JARL and JAMSAT 's representatives are from.
Committee (Committee):Divided into the following committees, and participants from each region.
Management Committee (Administrative Committee)
technical committee Hardware (Hardware and Technical Committee)
using the project selection committee (Project Selection and Use Committee)
management committee (Operations Committee)
Education / School Selection Committee (Educational Outreach / School Selection Committee)
Public Affairs Committee (Public Relations Committee)
ARISS information, list of committee members, board etc., ARISS has been posted on website. The URL

3. Communication and callsign ARISS
Communications with the International Space Station, will be familiar on TV. This, however, have done an astronaut's mission has been carried out during working hours.
Meanwhile, ARISS communications are divided into three types.
(1) Schools do make an appointment to communicate: Contact School (Contact School Scheduled)
(2) communicating with the person you wish astronauts (QSO Crew)
(3) General Communication (General QSO)

These are amateur radio The astronauts have a license (1) and (2), during office hours, (3) leisure time is done.

Amateur station call sign on the ISS, NA1SS RS0ISS and are used.

3.1Contact school for boys and girls, as well as the fun of amateur radio, space development, in order to get valuable experience to inspire an interest in communications technology, which is focusing in particular. Aims to communicate directly with the astronauts from around the world, hope it has received a number of applications from communicating hope ARISS school education / school selection committee accepted, equipment, operation time, participants and reviewing the number of additional committees ARISS operations, track conditions, taking into account the communication school hours and astronauts, and communication make an appointment. (How do I apply, see paragraph 4 )
3.2Communicate with other astronauts desired, along with hope, ARISS has decided on the operation of the communication committee.
3.3General communication, communication is the same as in the ground, CQ out in the station to communicate with it have been responding, ARISS committee that is not directly involved. In addition, DX Pedeshon like, you may notice a time and do communicate. ARISS, the frequency of general communication, the time being, I have decided as follows, please keep this communication.
Downlink (and packet voice: universal)145.80MHz
Uplink (packet: universal)145.99MHz
Uplink (voice: the first region)145.20MHz
Uplink (voice: Region II Region III)144.49MHz

Except for a packet, call the ISS from the ground, ISS from the CQ or QRZ Please only respond to.

4. How to apply for School Contact
(1)Application Form (Application Form), in English, communication and preparation, implementation, and reporting, English Fill Deshimasu all other matters. Getting complete the"Guide to fill the application form" (509 KB) Please refer to the.
Application Form (Version 16) format RTF HTML format text format , using the views is fine but what form. [If you want to communicate with amateur stations set up temporary 』
(2)Japan (and Asia) in JARL filing in the office e-mail address has become
(3)JARL directly to us if there are other ways to apply, in principle, the application form sent by email. At the same time, ARISS-Japan have been contacted about the prospective applicant's operations committee, to consult on technical matters for this committee. mail address is.
(4)Once the application has been accepted, ARISS-Japan education / school selection committee has reviewed the adequacy, each about one month, with a ranking of schools in the region for passing, ARISS Educational / School Selection Committee and sent Masu. E-mail address is committee.
(5)ARISS Educational / School Selection Committee held a conference call about every month, for applications from all over the world, two regional cross-cutting priorities, six months ahead, to send a list to the management committee ARISS The.
(6)Management committee, the orbital conditions, working hours, astronauts, and considering the regional distribution of schools wish, NASA's ISS on coordination with officials to determine the week of the date of engagement, apply well in advance of the place two months notifies the school. However, in some cases, can be taken only one month - sometimes two weeks time. For more on decision is made two weeks before the expected week of communication. The date the communication is two days including the day designated reserve.
(7)Communication time, the working hours on weekdays are usually astronaut (Monday to Friday), 0800UTC to 1900UTC of the Path to take a long time between communications. Some are supposed to have occurred from 2100UTC 0700UTC astronauts may also be allocated between.
(8)Communication time is usually about 10 minutes. I have to ask the astronauts during this past example, at low Q 16, and 26 questions, can you lot. Referring to the number of question, please decide the question about communicating with attending at least 10 people in advance. A list of participants this question, ask the management committee submitted two weeks before the scheduled date communication. Without this submission, the appointment may be canceled communication.
(9)The amateur radio station was established in School Contact QSL card transfers


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